Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Homily for Palm Sunday - March 24, 2013

Today's readings are about dedication.  About that stubborn commitment, loyalty or just love of God that never dies.

In the 1st reading the servant of God willingly puts up with all kinds of abuse rather that distance himself from God - who will win in the end!  There are four of this poems or "Servant Songs" in Isaiah.  Today's passage is the third, in which the servant is disciplined and strengthened by suffering.  In the forth, even the Gentiles are in awed contemplation before the suffering and servant.  In late Judaism, he was seen as the perfect Israelite, faithful no matter what and of supreme holiness; a "messiah."

The 2nd reading is the famous Philippians' Hymn.  Paul has urged the Christians at Philippi, being motivated by God’s love for them, to be of the same mind set, the same love - freely adopting a humble and unassertive stance before others, replacing self-interest with concern for others as did Jesus.  He then illustrates his point by quoting the hymn; Jesus is the model for all to follow.  He allows nothing to come between him and the life, love and mission his Father gave him to live in this world.  Not: misunderstanding, or hatred; not threats or even death. 

In the passion narrative, Jesus goes the way of the Prophet, killed unjustly by sinful people.  The shock of this is probably not as evident to us as it should be.  We have come to hear this story so much that we miss what a scandal it really was.  Jesus was executed as were those who commit treason.  How could God’s anointed one, how could the Messiah, end up like this?  He was to free God’s people! 

The story sets the stage in our minds and hearts so we can enter deeply into the event of Jesus' final days.  Which we will share with him in the coming week: The last supper and the gift of the Eucharist; Jesus' arrest, trial and execution; ending with his final victory. 

Jesus' loyalty and dedication are a powerful example for us today in our age of broken promises, criminal business deals and polarized politics. 

Among our own families & friends we know who has been loyal to us; the individuals who were there for us even when it came to challenging us on our own foolishness.  Loved ones who never let love die.  This, my brothers and sisters is the example Jesus left for all of us to follow.  A calling we renew within ourselves today. 

Today let us pray for the grace we need to live our Baptismal vows; to live to the fullest Jesus’ own example of Divine love and dedication. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Homily for March 10, 2013

4th Sunday of Lent C

My sisters and brothers, God offers us all a wonderful homecoming; but will we be as gracious as our Divine host? 

In our reading from Joshua the people of Israel take possession of the land of Canaan!  Their wandering are over, home is within their grasp. In thanks for Gods gift of the Promised Land, the Israelite men are circumcised; apparently this was not practiced during their wanderings.  Also, the whole community celebrates the feast of Passover.  Now that they have entered the Promised Land, Manna is no longer needed; they can now live off the harvest.  One life ends, and another begins. 

In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul rhapsodizes on the forgiveness (reconciliation) we have in Christ.  He understands this as Christ having taken away our unworthiness and made us worthy - through his self sacrifice.  Paul, no longer judges anyone by worldly standards (human point of view, as he once did (when he was a Pharisee).  He now sees Jesus as the risen one, the reconciler and has completely changed his point of view. 

By new creation, Paul is probably referring to a new standard of judgment, set by Christ for the Church.  They have been radically changed through the process of reconciliation, of Christ returning humankind to oneness with God. 

Our Gospel is the well known story of The Prodigal Son.  It is about the return of the selfish play boy to his father in repentance and the anger of the still self-righteous, Mr. Perfect, older brother.  Who was simply self-righteous not truly good?  

The context of the story is that: the dregs of society (tax collectors and sinners) are coming to Jesus.  This causes the religious leaders (the Pharisees and the scribes) to wonder whether Jesus sees anyone as beyond Gods mercy.  To explain, Jesus tells three parables: the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin and the Lost (or Prodigal) Son.  In all three, the recovery of what was lost is cause for rejoicing.  In other words, there are no limits to Gods mercy. 

Culturally, the Prodigal Son story has several elements that are out of the ordinary:
*                    for a son to ask his father for his share of the inheritance would be like a death wish;
*                    no older self respecting Jew would run to his son;
*                    A father would typically demand a full display of repentance, not the truncated one we see in the story. 

Clearly Jesus tells a somewhat unrealistic story to make a point.

Returning, reconciling or home coming are powerful themes today.  Israel (under the military leadership of Joshua) clam possession of Canna (the Promised Land).  The Prodigal Son sees the error of his ways and makes a penitent return home.  God, as father of the prodigal receives him warmly.  God guides and empowers Joshua to lead the people in reclaiming their home of their ancestors.

We have all had the experience of apologizing for mistakes and wrongs done.  Many of us have experienced some kind of homecoming.  Weather returning to our old school or home town after absences or some other contexts.  They are often bitter sweet experiences.  We are joyful to see old friends and family, to see the old favorite haunts, but people and places do change - it’s never really the same as we left it.  There can even be individuals who harbor old grudges which they simply refuse to forgive.  Others may become jealous of how we have changed or simply wish we had stayed gone.  Our prodigal Son story is like that.  The older brother would not let go of his resentment and would not forgive his younger brother.  But the power of this story is not just that it demonstrates the lavish forgiveness that God offers the returnee, but it also reminds us, who never strayed, or came back earlier, that we are called by God to extend the same kind of forgiveness that we have received. 

This week, let us ask God for the grace we need to accept both the forgiveness God gives us and the forgiveness God gives to other. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Homily for March 3, 2013

Homily for 3rd Lent C

My sisters and brothers, let us embraces the call to be productive citizens of the Kingdom of God! 

In our first reading today, we see God calling Moses to be his agent of deliverance for the people of Israel.  The expression: AI have come down,@ signifies an extraordinary divine intervention in human affairs.  Underlining this significance, this is the only passage in which God=s name is given to the individual being commissioned. 

I am who am: apparently this utterance is the source of the word Yahweh, the proper personal name of the God of Israel. It is commonly explained as God being the absolute source and grounding of all things.  Out of reverence for this name, the term Adonai, "my Lord," was later used as a substitute. The word LORD (in all capitals) is the way it is represented in most modern English translations.  The word "Jehovah" arose from a very early mistranslation of the expression Adonai.  

In our second reading, Paul uses some imagery from Exodus to illustrate that anyone can fall from the authentic path of life.  He urges the Corinthians to stay true, seeking from God  the grace they need to endure. 

In today=s gospel we hear Jesus urging his listeners to transform their life=s wile they still have the chance.  In short: ADo not take God or your eternal life for granted.@  Now is the time to be living a virtuous life because you cannot know when your life will be over.  Jesus has said that he will return to judge humankind at an unexpected time. Those who know of Christ=s coming and use what God gives wisely will be rewarded with God=s abundance. Those who know but do not prepare will be condemned. 

We read of two events where people died prematurely and unexpectedly: one group (Athe Galileans@) doing God=s will, killed intentionally by the Romans as they sacrifice to God in the Temple; the other group (Athose eighteen,@ possibly construction workers) killed accidentally when the tower fell.  In both cases, Jesus says that there is no link between early death and sin; however, these deaths do show the fate of those who fail to virtuous lives. 
In the parable of the fig tree, Jesus elaborates on his call for repentance.  The fig tree symbolizes some Jews, possibly the religious leaders who are not productive.  Jesus expects those who hear him to bear fruit, i.e., to use their talents, energy and resources not just for themselves but for God=s Kingdom. 

Another way to look at it is that  we are expected to be productive citizens of heaven.  Not slackers who just take up space.  Now this does not mean that we must all be as entrepreneurial as Paul, nor the kind of special agent of God that Moses was.  We must simply embrace our role, given by God, and put our time and talents into it, in a responsible and sensible manner. 

We use our talents not for our selves alone but for the Greater Good, as did Christ and the many heroes and herons of our faith.  If we knit, then knit not just for ourselves but for the greater good.  If we organize, or build, or clean up, or pray or whatever; we do so for the greater good of God=s Kingdom here on earth. 

Homily for February 24, 2013

Homily for 2nd Sunday of Lent C

A four year old spilled his cola on the rug and wanted to clean up the mess himself.  So his mother told him that the mop was just outside the back door.  Quickly, he ran to the door, but realized that it had become dark outside.  Suddenly scared, he told his mother what the problem was.  Assuring him, she told him that Jesus is everywhere, even in dark places, and that he should trust Jesus to protect him.  This put a smile on his face!  So, he opened the door just enough to poke his head outside and called out "Jesus, if you're out there, could you pass me the mop?"

My brothers and sisters, we are called to grow in our trust of God and have powerful examples in today’s readings about Abram and Jesus himself. 

Our first reading today retells the story of the original covenant between God and Abram (Abraham).  It is the founding moment of Israel’s relationship with God.  It is really two stories of gifts from God woven into one: the promise of limitless descendants and the gift of land.  The custom of the day was that if a man’s wife did not bear him a son, his chief servant (Eliezer in this case) could inherit. 

The author’s expression: “the word of the LORD came to ...” is later used to describe the prophets.  Abram is clearly seen by the author as a prophet.  Abram puts his trust in God’s promise; in this way, he establishes a right relationship (“righteousness”) with God. 

Going between the two halves of sacrificial animals signified that if a party broke the agreement, he could expect to be dismembered.  This is a truly graphic and, by our modern standards, barbaric way to enter a contract.  However the level of commitment that is depicted is undeniable.  God’s presence here is symbolized by fire.  Interestingly, only God has obligations under the pact, so only God passes between the “pieces.” 

In our second reading, Paul encourages the Philippians to “stand firm” in the Lord, i.e., keep their faith in the Lord strong.  Paul has written: “I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the sharing of his sufferings by becoming like him in his death.”  He has not yet fully understood Christ, but he presses on towards the goal of being with Christ when he comes again.  He makes the point; this is how “mature” Christians should think.  Finally, he offers himself as an example of centering oneself in Christ, even in times of suffering.  At the time Paul writes this he is in prison. 

In the gospel story we just heard, Jesus is warned of a plot against his life.  Not all the Pharisees were enemies of Jesus.  His response to the threat is bold.  But then he quickly turns to morning over the thought of dying in Jerusalem as did the prophets before him.  If only the Holy City would accept the messengers of God who are sent to it. 

Earlier, someone asked: “Will only a few be saved?”  Jesus has warned that few who have eaten with him will enter the Kingdom; many apparently pious people will be excluded for a just cause while others, from across the world, will be included.  The point being that we must keep ourselves invested in God and the virtuous life we are called to live.  Jesus’ own example of continuing his ministry and progress toward Jerusalem, despite the plots against him, is a powerful example.  We are to invest the same trust and dedication in God.   

Abraham's earlier example stands before us in the same manner.  Trust in God, faith in God, or personal investment in God is virtuous and necessary.  I have often explained it this way: Believing in God simply means that we accepted the existence of God without scientific proof.  Faith is much more.  Faith is trusting in God’s guidance about how we ought to live our lives and going forward in that way of life. 

Let us go forward together; trusting God to guide us, inspire us and empower us for the mission we have been given.