Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Homily for Palm Sunday - March 24, 2013

Today's readings are about dedication.  About that stubborn commitment, loyalty or just love of God that never dies.

In the 1st reading the servant of God willingly puts up with all kinds of abuse rather that distance himself from God - who will win in the end!  There are four of this poems or "Servant Songs" in Isaiah.  Today's passage is the third, in which the servant is disciplined and strengthened by suffering.  In the forth, even the Gentiles are in awed contemplation before the suffering and servant.  In late Judaism, he was seen as the perfect Israelite, faithful no matter what and of supreme holiness; a "messiah."

The 2nd reading is the famous Philippians' Hymn.  Paul has urged the Christians at Philippi, being motivated by God’s love for them, to be of the same mind set, the same love - freely adopting a humble and unassertive stance before others, replacing self-interest with concern for others as did Jesus.  He then illustrates his point by quoting the hymn; Jesus is the model for all to follow.  He allows nothing to come between him and the life, love and mission his Father gave him to live in this world.  Not: misunderstanding, or hatred; not threats or even death. 

In the passion narrative, Jesus goes the way of the Prophet, killed unjustly by sinful people.  The shock of this is probably not as evident to us as it should be.  We have come to hear this story so much that we miss what a scandal it really was.  Jesus was executed as were those who commit treason.  How could God’s anointed one, how could the Messiah, end up like this?  He was to free God’s people! 

The story sets the stage in our minds and hearts so we can enter deeply into the event of Jesus' final days.  Which we will share with him in the coming week: The last supper and the gift of the Eucharist; Jesus' arrest, trial and execution; ending with his final victory. 

Jesus' loyalty and dedication are a powerful example for us today in our age of broken promises, criminal business deals and polarized politics. 

Among our own families & friends we know who has been loyal to us; the individuals who were there for us even when it came to challenging us on our own foolishness.  Loved ones who never let love die.  This, my brothers and sisters is the example Jesus left for all of us to follow.  A calling we renew within ourselves today. 

Today let us pray for the grace we need to live our Baptismal vows; to live to the fullest Jesus’ own example of Divine love and dedication. 

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